Tuesday, February 9, 2010




  The main reason orangutans are being threatened with extinction is their losing their habitat.


   Orangutans are being in contact by humans more than usual.


  Their habitat has been decreased by 80% .


 This means that we will loose all of our orangutans if we don't act fast.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Homework #89

1. The theme of my book is when Geronimo,Thea,Trap,and Benjamin find the lost treasure of Emerald Island.

2. No, because I haven't read a book like this.

3. Yes, because it is a good book.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Homework #85

 This chapter is about when Rebecca got transfered to another school because she got too big for the other. So from then on she and Emma Jane rode the train to their new school with Hulda Meserve. At Rebecca's new school her favorite subjects are English literature and composition. Her teacher's name is Miss Maxwell.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Homework #77

  This chapter is about when Geronimo and Thea were visiting Trap and Benjamin, Geronimos' favorite little nephew, before they leave. But before Geronimo could say anything Benjamin was already crying and asking them if he could come with him but they thought he was too young. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Homework #76

 The title of the book I once read was called Goosebumps: Egg Monster from Mars. The book was about a boy named, Dana Johnson, and at his little sister's birthday he went egg hunting and found this really unusual egg and kept it. He saw it was the size of a soft ball, covered in blue and purple veins, and it had started to hatch. I read this book because the title and picture was interesting. Yes, I like reading fiction because its not real so you can make it as crazy as you want. All of them because they are all interesting.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Homework #73

Part A
1. "This doesn't sound right", said the mechanic.
2.  As he stamped his foot, the toddler screamed,"No!"
3. "My wallet is missing!" I cried. "Where could it be?"
4. Todd's essay is titled "Our Expanding Galaxy."
5. "I'm too sick," I coughed, "to entretain visitors today."
6. "Your chili is very spicy! I love spicy foods!", I gasped as I swallowed water.

Part B
1. "A New Land, America the Beautiful"
2. "Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends."
3. "Point of View, No Difference, Silverstein"
4. "Wedding Songs, I Love You Truly"
5. "America's, The Hartford Cournant"
6. "Congress Prepares Tax Bill"

Part C
  "Did you see the movie Jurassic Park?" Michael asked Victoria.
   She smiled and said, "It was a very scary movie!", I learned alot about dinosaurs, though."
  "Look!", Michael said, "at this report I just wrote about dinosaurs." He had named his report "The Frightening Facts About Dinosaurs."  

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homework #72

Chapter 2 was about Geronimo's little sister named, Thea, she also works at the Rodent Gazette as the special correspondent. So she to tell Geronimo a secret but thought that everywhere they went wasn't safe because she thinks someone could have been spying on them. Then as they are a resturant called "The Mouse House" she tells him the secret. She says that she had found a map to tresure and when he looked at it it said "x marks the spot where the emerald eye is." Geronimo didn't agree to go with her but then she complained and used her sweet little voice on him (in the book she looks like she is between the age of 19-26 and she rides a motorcycle so maybe 21) but he still didn't agree, later he gave in and he was really scared that night he had to drink 10 cups of snoozytime and played his favorite sleep song at least 5 times but he didn't even close one of his eye lids not one!